get ready! seo is easy! - sorry, no it wasn't seo is so complex and wide and still it is just a part of digital marketing. seo is just a slice in a big pie of internet marketing. dont ever believe that seo is a pushbutton act then boom suddenly you get rewards - no. seo is hardwork, and alot of creative juices from your mind is required to produce desirable results!
when im starting seo, (and still on the beginning of it) i though i just have to write keywords of tags and metadata on every article and people will search for it and make my site rank higher. i thought i just have to make a good title and header and it will be a great hit. well im not saying that writing a good title and inserting metadatas are bad but i just want to tell you that that was just the first few steps of search engine optimization, the real deal on seo is how to rank and make traffic and use that traffic to make profit(desired results). before i thought seo is the only thing i need to be successful online, but then i come to know cro(conversion rate optimization) lpo (the landing page optimization) and the most widest among of them the Social Media! then lifes become more more complex... but since the my title says SEO is easy, i will put this whole thing on summary, seo is just a branch of a large tree and be ready, prepare yourself to climb every branch available for you to reach the delicious fruits
So what to do so that your SEO experience will be somehow a little easier?:
1. Accept it, its not that easy.
2. It is always easier to ask questions from experts.
3. It is also easier to copy then modify than start from scratch, but recognize other peoples work
4. Use google analytics and adwords since they are the big boss when talking about search engines
5. Be willing to do routinized tasks