Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's your brand? The 5 Steps on how to make yourself a brand using the Internet.

You want a business but dont have a good or service to sell? ... think this first, we are all brands, on the early medieval age of internet, brands are so specific among only on companies. Only a legitimate company or business can put up their brand online and that was so 90's. Branding means "specific identity" (this is according to wiki). All of us, you and me and even your angry neighbor and grand daddy has their own identity, thats why all of us our brands, (better accept this as facts). We should always communicate and express ourselves to the world. You must be willing to share yourself, your brand to the whole world. Why? - Our brands communicate to the world who we really are, the real us and that's why the internet, social media, social networks, blog, richmedia, youtube, facebook, twitter and lots of lots of these exist!

So lets get to the point, lets do it now "How to create yourself as a brand?":

Step 1. Use yourself!

You only have yourself, dont worry you will never run out of you. You are your own resource person, the uniqueness of you can make for you. Start with yourself, begin with you. Interview yourself, what you like doing? what are the things you do that almost automatic? The only person that you can trust is you because you know you much longer that anybody. One thing to this, is you must be able to believe your own ideas, since you are your number one resource person, you should believe and count on your ideas, insights and ability to act. And another good thing about you being the key person is if anything goes wrong you can directly evaluate your key person, yourself! Take no time to doubt you. Whats inside of you? - Inside of you resides ideas, concepts and businesses that only you can accomplish. You must tap on those ideas, give it a chance. Inside of you are a lifetime of experiences on a specific area of specialty, so you are already a specialist on your own means. You already have the enough experiences you need your own cause or idea to succeed. What you do can be a brand. What you experience can be a brand. What you know can be a brand. For example you know how to fish a gold fish, its quite a "duh" but there are so many people getting money from selling a gold fish, fishing a gold fish, selling gold fish food, selling gold fish aquariums? You are a brand!

Step 2. Don't bother them!

Ofcourse just like a business brands that has competitions and the nay-sayers, be ready to don't bother them. Why? - because they dont know you, they know your brand... - yet. So give them the privilege to doubt. How not to bother them? Dont listen to what they say, even good nor bad. Because they dont know you! Good things that others might can give you wrong positive impressions and bad things that others might say can give you wrong negative impressions, so all you have to do at this moment is to continue to do what you want to do! Since you are a specialist to your brand (yourself) you alone know what to do to your idea/business. You can continue to seek advice but dont let advice come to you even you dont need it for that moment, you can seek for advice if you need, but when you dont need it dont let it seek you and waste your time listening to something that dont even know you. This step 2 is so important since you are like someone who just made a "eureka" and the last thing you must hear is a nay-say, right? So just dont bother them!

Step 3. Write it out!

Let it out, let you identity get out of your brain. Write it on paper. Write it out. Write it on a blog like this one. Write it on a notebook. Or on a tissue paper, anywhere! Just let it out of your braincells! Make it simple. You can write your idea of your own brand (self) business on a single sentence. Just write: "I will sell them gold fish fishing technique" ... - so, that was just an example, make your own. Let it out of you, put it to a physical form. It will be the purpose of your brand, thats what youre going to promote or advocate on the coming moments your life. You must always remember it and be passionate about it. Why? - because that's you! Your brand is yourself! After you write out your brand idea on a sentence, its like the description of your company, it answer the question "what it do?" the next thing to this is convert it to a one word name. So if my idea of my brand is "To sell gold fish fishing technique" my brand name will be "Gold Fish Tech" or "Gofitech" .. this will be my brand name! So do that now to yourself make a brandname! Then the last thing to this third step is, since this is titled how to make yourself - (not your name) a brand using internet, better buy a domain for your new brand name,.. just go to or to buy a $15-1-year domain name, me i just buy the domain name!

Step 4. Just share what you got!

So you got a new domain name based on who you are, based on yourself. Now since you are the brand, you will know almost everything about your brand. You can now write or post as a blog for your contents like to my example, "How to find a good fishing spot for gold fish?" then i will write to that post all the technique that i know about finding a spot for fishing gold fish. You can share the why's, what, where, when, how, warning, do's and dont about your brand, goods and services. You can make lots of content from this since you are a master/specialist of the brand you created because your brand is yourself. You can share your content thru blogs, or even you can record a video on how to fish a golf fish at "Buddha River" and upload it on youtube! You can take pictures of your acts or pictures of your tools or pictures of yourself and put it on flickr or photobucket since these sites have good SEO juices. Make you contents specific, always be detailed on your post. You dont have to worry about the uniqueness of your content because it is unique! why? because your brand is yourself and nobody can be you except you! Use also social networks to expand your exposure on the internet. Use facebook fan page for your brand, post updates on twitter on what you are doing, (what your brand is doing). Your status updates on facebook or twitter will be more sociable and conversational compare to a corporate account because your brand is yourself, a person, a person can be relate to, while a corporation cannot. And since your brand is a person, (and thats you) friendship can be develop among you and your customers. Dont call them just clients and customers, treat them as a friend, a buddy or even a relative. Your brand can be so relational because you are not just an organization you are a living sociable being. Customer service will be much easier for a brand that has a persona.

Step 5. Be true to yourself!

The last step is to be consistent! Be consistent of who you are. be consistent to yourself! Regularly update your site. Atleast 3 times a week or so. Be you on the social networks. Be consistent on sharing who you really are. Don't stop. Be consistent in making friends and relationships. Perseverance is the key to success not excellent abilities. Be consistent and persevere no matter what. Remember your brand is yourself, you cannot die on yourself right? Dont commit suicide, suicide is permanent solution to temporary problem, so dont ever think on killing your brand when things goes little rougher or harder. Keep on holding just like what avril says. Always be happy on your consistency. Smile and enjoy the journey of yourself! Enjoy the rewards of being you.

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